34 thoughts on “[SPOILER] Marvin Vettori vs. Jared Cannonier”

  1. Was not expecting that type of fight at all. Expected a boring wrestlefuck. Still don’t understand why Marvin didn’t wrestle early and often. Cannonier looked the best I’ve ever seen him. Kudos

  2. Cannonier’s gas tank in that fight was a different level, many fighters that exhibit five round cardio tend to be conservative with their shots, he was throwing power shots for five rounds, that was amazing.

  3. Life changing damage for peanuts.

    Corner should’ve thrown in the towel after the second and spared Marvin another three rounds of life altering brain damage.

    I’m usually impressed at the toughness fighters often display – but this was the epitome of “too tough for his own good”.

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