Chris Curtis not blissful about being moved to the prelims for a “baby”

Chris Curtis not blissful about being moved to the prelims for a “baby”

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40 thoughts on “Chris Curtis not blissful about being moved to the prelims for a “baby””

  1. I will never forget the middle finger he gave to one of the nicest fighters in UFC Hermanson after their fight. He is a sore loser and it will show again in the future

  2. Chris needs to step away from twitter at times like this because getting into arguments with randos and shitting on the UFC pushing Rosas does nothing for him. It must suck having the public able to snipe at you over any little thing but he’s letting them win.

  3. The UFC does this all the time. I would have thought Curtis knew this, being a fighter and all.

    They always put a banger in the last fight of the prelims to garner hype for the PPV event.

  4. He put it the worst way possible, but look at the card and tell me you wouldn’t rather have Curtis/Gastelum on the main card… Hell, *most* of the regular prelims are more interesting fights than Rosas’.

    Most of the posts here feel like people are knee-jerking to him being obnoxious rather than the actual fight order.

  5. Bookmarking this thread for the eventual turn on Rosas when the sub starts paying attention to how completely obnoxious the kid and his dad have been.

    Like I guarantee the subtext here is Curtis thinks the annoying kid bragging about being a three division champ off beating one of the worst UFC fighters of the past few years is fucking annoying.

  6. I think the litmus test here that verifies that the placements are appropriate is that based on the title I figured we must be talking about Rosas Jr. without him even being named, and meanwhile I was struggling to remember who Chris Curtis was. One of these guys generates a lot more interest, and that’s what the UFC sells.

  7. Ngl I like a little bit of pettiness (Emphasis on “a bit”)

    Sports dull when every guy is “uhh yeah, I respect my opponent he is really good, it’s gonna be a tough fight but I think I’ll win it”

    Got to remember Chris has been Homeless, raised in a shit neighborhood & is finally making it big money wise. He probably ain’t gonna change for no one as what he has done for himself has worked.

  8. Didn’t dominick cruz say data says that more people watch the prelims main fight than the first fight of the main card. I could be remembering this wrong but I thought it was when he had his first time on prelims

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