49 thoughts on “Hasbulla simply signed a 5-year contract with the UFC to assist them promote occasions”

  1. You know what, good for him.
    I’ve heard people with his disability don’t live for very long so I’m glad he’s making the most of it.

  2. Wonder how long until some young unhinged cage fighter sends him into the shadow realm for one of his uprovoked ‘pranks’…

    Edit: so apparently it’s all scripted and the little dude is actually quite polite and cool. Good luck to him

  3. Good for him and everything, I won’t hate. There is definitely something to be said for spending money on shit like this and not relooking at fighter comp structure though.

  4. Freak show /circus vibes here. Paying him for his social media presence and whatever else he does. Or plot twist this is an episode of american horror story

  5. They should put him in some oversized Project Rock shoes and run around between fights to lighten the mood I’m case of a viscous KO. Maybe play sound effects when he trips and is “evading” security.

  6. Sometimes reddit really is a shitty place. Imagine hating on Hasbulla of all people because he got an opportunity for himself. They could do some creative shorts with other fighters for promotion with him on board, but the entire comments section is hating on a guy whos used his disability to his advantage to make a name and brand for himself.

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