[Michael Chiesa] Chiesa shares a touching story about his buddy, Elias Theodorou

[Michael Chiesa] Chiesa shares a touching story about his buddy, Elias Theodorou

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25 thoughts on “[Michael Chiesa] Chiesa shares a touching story about his buddy, Elias Theodorou”

  1. I can’t get over the fact that Elias was 34, like wtf man? Just another person that was trying to live his best life and gets completely fucked. Fuck cancer

  2. I don’t know why his death has hit me so hard. I guess his age and that these people seems 10x stronger than your average person. He was also just a happy and kind seeming guy.


    I am 36 but my back hurts, I watch these guys do what I used to do when I was a teen and they seem super human in a way.


    RIP Elias.

  3. Obviously we’ll mostly remember him for his stint in the UFC, or his advocacy for marijuana, or obviously his infamous tours of duty as an Invicta ring boy.

    But to his family, friends, sparring partners, and fellow fighters there’s thousands of countless special stories and memories that mean more than any UFC fight, or lovable lighthearted moment.

    Rest In Peace Elias, and fuck cancer. I hope somewhere, wherever you are, you know that you went out on a four fight undefeated streak. Three wins in the cage, and one hell of a draw with The Big C.

  4. RIP. Seemed like such an awesome fella. Never forget that he beat Sam Alvey. Although it is sad that he passed away, I feel this strange inspiration because he seemed like someone who seized the day. I’ve been in this giant rut of anxiety and depression. Reading about how he never got down on himself especially with terminal cancer makes my issues seem so small.

  5. Jesus. About to write about how “he’d give you the shirt off his back”.

    Remembers he has a shirt that Elias literally gave him off of his back, lmao. The Spartan is giggling in heaven.

  6. This really got me, it’s crazy how little acts of kindness can mean so much to someone, I doubt Elias even thought about that jacket but to Mike it was a huge moment. Rip Elias, losing a friend is never easy

  7. I must have ran into Elias and a friend of his fifteen times in various hallways and stuff during the Max vs Oliviera event in Saskatoon. Always smiled and said hello, was just a really friendly dude it seemed like. He also dressed up in full Rider gear and asked a couple of questions at the fan q and a session

  8. He got shit for being a male model and being the first(?) ring guy but he seems like he was a truly nice person.

    When I die, I hope so many that I have met have half as nice things to say about me.

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