[Crafty KO’s] Sean O’Malley lands a crushing physique kick and stings Eddie Wineland with a lead proper hook, seconds later he feints an uppercut to disguise the straight proper hand which lands clear, ending the struggle.

[Crafty KO’s] Sean O’Malley lands a crushing physique kick and stings Eddie Wineland with a lead proper hook, seconds later he feints an uppercut to disguise the straight proper hand which lands clear, ending the struggle.

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19 thoughts on “[Crafty KO’s] Sean O’Malley lands a crushing physique kick and stings Eddie Wineland with a lead proper hook, seconds later he feints an uppercut to disguise the straight proper hand which lands clear, ending the struggle.”

  1. O’Malley almost never stops attacking or feinting in this clip, it’s insane. Feint, step back, feint, step, kick, push, hook, reset, stance switch to spinning shit….and eventually the uppercut feint jab feint right straight.

    Wineland was too busy trying figure out what was coming next and o’Malley did a great job conditioning him to his feints.

    Clown good at fight

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