Cheyanne Vlismas (previously Buys) shares she was not solely battling covid19 sickness however a messy divorce main as much as her quick discover struggle this previous weekend.

Cheyanne Vlismas (previously Buys) shares she was not solely battling covid19 sickness however a messy divorce main as much as her quick discover struggle this previous weekend.

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26 thoughts on “Cheyanne Vlismas (previously Buys) shares she was not solely battling covid19 sickness however a messy divorce main as much as her quick discover struggle this previous weekend.”

  1. I’m super curious of what happened. He loses two fights and the internet tells her to get a divorce. She makes a post saying “fuck you for telling me to do that”. Then gets a divorce. I’m so curious.

  2. That’s gotta be an annoying mind fuck while getting ready for a pro fight, props to her for fighting a decent fight

    But it’s still a travesty that this fight got the fight of the night bonus

  3. The divorce was foreseen, go back and watch the first card they both fought on explaining how they trained together , it was very awkward and passive aggressive

  4. I called this when her husband was crying with joy after she won the performance bonus in her last fight and she didn’t even acknowledge him. Funny how you can get a little money and suddenly your marriage doesn’t make you happy anymore

  5. You kind of see these things coming. I’m sure JP was having a hard time seeing Cheyanne’s star rise after seeing his own UFC career aspirations ostensibly dead end. I’m sure it bred a lot of resentment.

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