33 thoughts on “[SPOILER] Badr Hari vs. Uku Jürjendal”

  1. He retired last year and probably will again. GLORY litterally does no tickets unless Badr is fighting. Rico is often held up as a draw, but he has never drawn without a Moroccan in the other corner. That is why Glory likes booking him against Hari and Jamal.

    Sad state of affairs for kickbxing the world over. K-1, outside of the Match, barely fills the floor at their events.

  2. Uku has a quite interesting background. He actually did time in Estonian prison due to cooking drugs basically as in the Breaking Bad. This was years ago and he is definitely an inspiration these days. Rooting for the guy.

  3. I like seeing him getting pummeled because he’s a garbage human. But can we just be done with him please? I’d rather him stop making money than be able to see him get shitmixed.

  4. I don’t know shit about kickboxing, so can anybody tell me how good is Rico. To my understanding Hari was beating Rico both times, but lost to injury, yet Rico is still champ, while others have clearly beat Hari since then. Is Rico the no.1 HW in the world?

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