“The UFC Could Be In Large Bother” (Main flip in fighter pay lawsuit)

It is a video by Tommy from MMA on level.

In case anybody isn’t conscious there’s a anti-trust lawsuit a bunch of MMA fighters have filed towards the UFC. This lawsuit has been happening for years. The lawsuit is with regard to fighter pay and coercive contracts.

He goes on to elucidate the cliff notes of an 80 web page class certification dominated by a choose. It is a step nearer in fixing the pay dispute in favor of the fighters.

For anybody be happy to observe the video I linked.

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24 thoughts on ““The UFC Could Be In Large Bother” (Main flip in fighter pay lawsuit)”

  1. This is a step but it’s not like the trial begins tomorrow.

    There’s probably close to a decade of litigation before anything remotely resembling change happens.

    Also: between the WWE, AEW, PFL, ONE and Bellator there’s going to be motions and amicus filings that’ll take time to work their way out too.

    The ufc is definitely in big trouble but there’s the distinct possibility that Dana white won’t be in charge anymore by the time this is over.

  2. I love MMA On Point, probably the best MMA channel out there.

    And I hope that this really goes the distance for the better treatment of fighters. The UFC gets paid way, way too much to be doing everyone like this.

  3. Couldn’t happen to a worse organization. I hope the UFC does and something resembling an actual sports league picks up the pieces and fights arranged are not based on the whims of one angry tomato.

  4. I still think UFC should have stock equity grant pool for fighters. Every fight completed, earn more shares. That keeps interests between UFC and fighters aligned. And if they need cash; they can sell shares easily since EDR is publicly traded. This also allows UFC to keep the same purse payout.

  5. I hope they get absolutely fucked over the gills and this shithead tomato piece of shit files for bankruptcy. Think how much this bullshit has damaged fighters in the long term? How many guys weren’t able to pay for basic things to their families or pay their coaches because of this absolute greed? How many guys could have flourished and become big starts in this sport but just didn’t have the means to do so?

    The ufc is a monopoly and they have been behaving as such for many years. I appreciate Dana’s huge contribution to the sport but he doesn’t deserve to be a multi-millionaire while most fighters make 10K a fight every 5-8 months.

    I love this sport and I hope they get fucked with a donkey cock in their sleep. Fuck the UFC!!!

  6. As others have said, does anyone actually think this will do anything to the UFC? It’s so rich that even if this somehow winds up in a settlement eventually, it will just pay the fine or whatever and continue operating. Wouldn’t be the first company that was sued and had to pay after a lawsuit. UFC isn’t in big trouble or anything.

  7. It has felt like the UFC has been in deep trouble for a while now.

    Take into consideration all of the things the UFC has done just recently: power slap league using Dana’s name, contender series using Dana’s name, continuing TUF in spite of the contender series, effectively, competing against it, and in spite of its much lower numbers in respect to its previous seasons, an increase in prices across the board which do not correlate to an increase in viewer, or fan experience, many “events” being unnecessary such as many of the fight nights, the sponsors are roughly always the same which may imply a lack of interest from advertisers which has always been a problem due to the nature of the sport even though the UFC has done everything they can to make the sport more “professional” including the prevention of its fighters displaying any amount of personality, all of the performance centers including their worldwide initiative to help create the next generation of fighters, and the biggest thing of all: fighter pay has for too long been stagnate, and it becomes blindingly obvious that they operate as a company that is dying, or poorly run.

    Generally, when a company begins putting out a lot of poor products, or begins flooding the market, it’s because they’re looking for a temporary boost in earnings because the business model is failing, or the demand is there, and it’s clear the demand isn’t there for many of the products the UFC has been pushing out.

    I think Endeavor is either bleeding the UFC dry, or is trying to make it return a profit much quicker than it otherwise would in order to cover some other poor business mistake like buying the UFC, and the WWE in the first place, they’re just terrible at running a business, or they don’t understand what business the UFC is actually in because they’re treating it like a television show.

    The UFC should be rolling in the dough but, they are operating like a business that’s failing, and is in extreme debt. It feels like the UFC is generating as much profit as it can to pay off debt before it collapses, and it feels like they’ve burned a lot of bridges in a lot of places because we’re beginning to see them revisit places more often than not, and they’re appealing to a certain political demographic, to put it nicely, wherein in the past they were smart enough to remain neutral because all political affiliations watch the UFC.

    The UFC is making way too many mistakes, and they’re turning it into something sterile, and boring when it used to be something lively, and had character. Watching the UFC now is the same as watching any other sport, and it’s become boring as a result. Have you ever watched a sport you don’t like? It feels like that. Watch the older UFC events, and compare them to today, and it’s immediately clear what’s missing from today’s UFC, and it’s character. The UFC today is bland. The UFC I group up with, and loved, was unique. All of the fighting companies today are just as bland, and rely too much on the business side of things when they could generate the same, or larger profit by allowing the fighters to tell the world who they are. The fights themselves are entertaining but, the UFC itself has become too corporate.

    The fighters need to stand up for themselves. People complain about fighter pay in the UFC but, I’m starting to think the UFC can’t afford to pay their fighters which is wild considering they should have the easiest time of any promotion doing so via their branded gear alone. If the UFC is fine then what they’re doing, in not paying the fighters well, should be investigated.

  8. The new rules they have in their post ngannou contracts are insane (not watched video yet but remember reading some highlights about it on r/MMA a while back from a bloody elbow article or something )

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