Priscila Cachoeira misses weight by 5 kilos

Priscila Cachoeira misses weight by 5 kilos

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46 thoughts on “Priscila Cachoeira misses weight by 5 kilos”

  1. How is this bum still in the ufc. Tried to gouge Robertsons eyes out, literally feeling for the eye before poking, twice (worse than the leech’s eye poke imo). Can’t fucking fight either, now missed weight by 5 pounds

  2. Triple facepalm. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Did she even attempt to cut weight?

    If I recall correctly, her fight with Cortney Casey was cancelled also because she was nowhere near making weight, and she blamed the cancellation on slipping in the hotel bathtub. (I think the tub is 5-0 at this point.)

  3. 34 years old, 4-4 (because of the Kim Jiyeon robbery; she should be 3-5) in the UFC against mediocre at best opponents (and Valentina), tries to dig eyes out, and misses weight. Her only value is the 12-4 record looking nice on paper toa non-mma fan. We’ve seen what she is as a fighter by now. Time to give her the boot.

  4. Just fucking cut her from the ufc already I don’t know why they didn’t jusr get rid of her when she tried to gouge out Gillian Robertson eyes to try and escape a submission

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