16 thoughts on “Imanari Rolls in MMA, plus 1 unlawful upkick”

  1. I challenge someone to give me a **single fucking reason** that upkicks from a downed opponent **to** a downed opponent are illegal.

    It’s the dumbest fucking rule, and in my opinion it actually has a significant effect on the ‘purity’ of MMA as a combat sport.

    Banning upkicks thrown by a downed fighter essentially removes an extremely valid weapon that is applicable in numerous high risk positions, and in doing so massively changes the meta of fighting – **and for what!?**

    Is it too overpowered? No.

    Does it have too high a risk of injury? No.

    Would it makes fights more boring? No.

    *I just don’t fucking get it.* Did nevada state athletic officials see someone breaking bricks with upkicks from their back or something?

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