45 thoughts on “Michael Chandler’s interplay with a fan on twitter”

  1. “I can’t. you’ll find a way”…

    **He continues**

    “AND while the way be be distant, and it might not come easy, it will make achieving the goal that much sweeter, and the journey that much richer, as for every obstacle life throws your way is a tremendous opportunity for growth. Growth that will strengthen your Character, Character that will help your resolve, resolve in battling through tough times, times you find yourself in right now….”

    Micheal Chandler if Twitter didn’t have a Character limit lol

  2. Well, yeah, he answered sincerely. Is he supposed to now trust the fans with their sob stories? He cannot help everyone, so his focus should be on helping himself, and his close ones, absolutely nobody else.
    His response is right.

  3. this is like the people on amazon who ask does X product require Y to function properly. And then someone answers “I don’t know I haven’t used mine yet”


    thanks buddy!

  4. I remember when somebody lost their rent money betting on Nate to win and he tweeted Nate, Nate sent him his rent money and wrote, “Don’t worry I got your bitch ass”

    Found it really funny.

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