34 thoughts on “Chael advised police he had taken a sleeping capsule hours earlier than altercation, had no reminiscence of it.”

  1. and it was a Latino guys voice.

    And his coach cleared it with the commission.

    And he was told it was the way business was done.

    Chael has been known as being completely full of shit for a long time and this is another case where the truth won’t come out for a while

  2. Chael is really smart. Gave Schaub and idk who the story about him defending his wife against 5 goons who abused and mocked her. Everyone ran with it. From mma twitter to rufc to here. And now the story became truth.

    Nevermind that 5 unrelated people including a woman, the hotel security and a random employee all say he drunkenly attacked them and beat them up.

    Police report also says his wife who he was apparently defending had numerous contusions and cuts on the face and said she was sleeping during Chael’s rampage.

    Chael’s rabid fans downvote you when you show any signs of scepticism about his story.

  3. If anything, this new story makes Chael seem more guilty. He initially used Brendan Schaub and John McCarthy to spread lies that the brawl started because someone insulted his wife and he was just protecting her. Now his story has completely changed saying that he has no recollection of the event because he took a sleeping pill.

  4. Oh, wait, so Chael didn’t deny doing this, and it did involve drugs, and possible a mental breakdown….

    Lol some of the people on r/MMA are so quick to dismiss possibilities like this. Again, a convicted felon, PED abuser, and constant liar who was on drugs and has taken a career’s worth of head trauma just maybe has the potential to behave violently.


    Now, on one hand, given Chael’s past behavior I and the other factors I could see this being some sort of manic episode or psychotic break. Or, Chael could have been on a trip and the drugs just brought out something that was already there. No real way of knowing tbh.

  5. I’m not defending Chael until all the facts come out but ambien is no joke.

    I have a coworker that got prescription for that. She told us all one day she took a pill and went to sleep. She woke up in another town. She had got in her car and drove to another town and had zero Recollection of it happening.

  6. If that’s true. He needs to pay the couple a lot more than the 15k they’re suing for. Not once compelled by a judge, but by his own initiative.

  7. So he admits that his first story was a fabrication and people are still making excuses for him and saying we need to wait for the whole story to come out. He slandered the people that he assaulted in the media, is a compulsive liar, has been charged with criminal fraud and is a police informant.

    Chael is a con man and he’s got the mma community conned.

  8. It is so weird watching folks in r/mma twist themselves into pretzels to defend more bad behavior by one of MMA’s biggest drug cheats.

  9. Look at the reaction in these comments, kid gloves. Imagine someone this sub didn’t jerk daily was doing this shit lmao. Would be the top post and every single comment would be shitting all over him.

  10. Fucking hilarious how people will somehow mention Jones like this changes anything. Newsflash, it just means mma has another morally reprehensible fuck in it

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