Sam Alvey simply introduced his battle towards Phil Hawes this Saturday at #UFCVegas47 is OFF

Sam Alvey simply introduced his battle towards Phil Hawes this Saturday at #UFCVegas47 is OFF

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49 thoughts on “Sam Alvey simply introduced his battle towards Phil Hawes this Saturday at #UFCVegas47 is OFF”

  1. This guy hasnt won a fight since 8 fights ago. And it was against Gian Villante.

    Unless Dana is paying him 5k/5k, i dont understand why he’s still here.

  2. I doubt there will be much smiling here. Phil looked phenomenal in his last fight… right up till he didn’t. And I mean that quite literally. It was shocking how fast that fight turned and then ended, but up to that point man Phil looked like a real nightmare.

  3. Lmaooo I find it hilarious that pretty much everyone hates Sam Alvey. Is there any particular reason for this? I kno he got a lot of hate when he asked for money on go fund me but I have a feeling he was mutually disliked even before that.

  4. I’m probably going to get blasted but I like Sam Alvey. He has heart and I liked the time when he suntanned his sponsor logo onto his chest and the UFC couldn’t remove it and the UFC wasn’t very happy with it.

    Most of the UFC fighters are asking for more money so what better way to protest than to get your sponsor suntanned onto your chest?

  5. I am genuinely disappointed. Alveys last two fights were bangers. Most of his fights have had excitement and even though it’s not like I’m a giant fan but I’ve seen a ton of his fights at this point and I have some enjoyment that I get from watching fights ups and downs, and usually more downs over their career

  6. Everyone making fun of no one caring, but the real burn is out of 139 comments no one said they watched the video and told us the reason

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