44 thoughts on “DC and Cruz speak on the “DC verify in””

  1. I don’t usually enjoy most of the MMA podcasts but this was hilarious. If they gave these three a travel and food show I would 10/10 pay to watch them travel, eat, and argue about shit. Something like “fuck that’s delicious”

  2. Cruz sounds like a stubborn piece of shit. Like he can’t imagine a universe where something he said was out of place or disrespectful. If you go on interviews and start talking about how DC’s commentary is terrible, how he mutes him and doesn’t think he deserves the position… I mean, how does he think DC is going to react to that?

    That’s not constructive criticism, Dom. That’s just you throwing shade at your co-worker publicly.

    What an asshole.

  3. Cruz reminds me of my 13 year old self. Back when I used to watch too many of those facts over feelings type videos. I was probably the same height as him back then too haha.

  4. While I agree DCs commentary sometimes isn’t the best you don’t say any of this publicly lmao. Still prefer DC over Dom 10 out of 10 times. Dom is the one I’d like to mute the broadcast when he’s on. While he has great insight into what’s going on in the fight the way he says it is off putting. He always has the “I’m smarter than you “ vibe for no reason. Also he’s got one of the worst calls during the khabib mauling of Conor say he’s just tiring khabib out lmao. Talk about it professionally not call DC out to the media.

  5. DC is mad because what Dominick said is mostly true, he just didn’t think it would ever publicly come out from a colleague. I think Dom has a superiority complex, he is easily the Luke Rockhold of the MMA analyst world can do no wrong, say no wrong, regardless if its out of line or not.

  6. Cruz made a strange analogy trying to justify his comment, saying that it comes from a place of love, and then equating it to if DC holds his children accountable should they do something wrong. DC, far as I know, doesn’t megaphone the world every time his kids do something wrong in order to hold them accountable. If you care about the person you’re critiquing you do it privately, otherwise you give others the opportunity to shit on them.

    He then said that the press did DC dirty, not him. When you give your opinions publicly to a public figure, the press will report it, you’re giving them the opportunity to do someone you say you care about dirty.

    Lastly he goes on about how its his opinion and doesn’t he have the right to have and give his opinion? It’s about tact and respect, it’s also about decency. If you hated the guy, talk shit about him all day, but if you love the guy like you say you do, don’t put bullets in the chamber to potentially harm his livelihood, even if Cruz doesn’t have that kind of juice, it can build onto a negative reputation for DC.

  7. Haha Cruz just doesn’t get it. He doesn’t think he’s dry. He’s a colour commentator, not the play by play guy. He’s supposed to explain what’s happening to the audience in an interesting manor. The play by play guy is the guy who keeps the dialogue going both of the fight and of the commentary, the much more “dry” role.

  8. How does dc always become the father when he’s debating. He makes other people seem so salty

    Cruz just seems like someone you’d talk to at a party but would be exhausting to spend any time with

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