Anthony Smith reacts to backlash from fighters over commentary: ‘I receives a commission some huge cash to simply run my mouth and provides my opinion’

Anthony Smith reacts to backlash from fighters over commentary: ‘I receives a commission some huge cash to simply run my mouth and provides my opinion’

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17 thoughts on “Anthony Smith reacts to backlash from fighters over commentary: ‘I receives a commission some huge cash to simply run my mouth and provides my opinion’”

  1. I think the conspiracy is that some of the dudes on the analysis desk were given those jobs as thanks and hush positions for not capitalizing on incidents that would’ve absolutely fucked over the UFC. Examples…

    Belal for not kicking up a storm over the gloves and copping a fucking fish hook in his eyeball. Hell he really could’ve fucked them, especially when he was screaming “I can’t fucking see” while crying blood.

    Chiesa for not sueing the shit out of McGregor and the UFC after catching a eyefull of bus window from the dolly incident. Which the video evidence was used in the embedded and to promote the Khabib defense.

    Smith for not taking the DQ win over Jones when he was illegally kneed and down 4 rounds.

    I mean I’d like to know how well they are compensated considering their fight purses have to be publicly reported to the commission. And Smith here is is saying “A lot.”

  2. Anthony Smith is a really smart dude, chiesa is articulate and quite charming. Fielder is both. The fighters who are criticising them either aren’t these things, or are too “big” to accept the position.

    These traits aren’t especially common in professional fighters.

  3. Smith is OK at an analyst position, but most of those guys who are working the desk are pretty horrible at it. They try to do quick takes and bounce around the table which might work for segmented team sports like the NFL, but it doesn’t work for MMA. And I’m not sure he’s being paid by the boat load.

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