Additional particulars on Zabit Magomedsharipov’s well being: “Surgical procedure was successful… His well being issues appear to be resolved… For the time being there is not any speak of his return, so Mark Henry rushed”

Additional particulars on Zabit Magomedsharipov’s well being: “Surgical procedure was successful… His well being issues appear to be resolved… For the time being there is not any speak of his return, so Mark Henry rushed”

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17 thoughts on “Additional particulars on Zabit Magomedsharipov’s well being: “Surgical procedure was successful… His well being issues appear to be resolved… For the time being there is not any speak of his return, so Mark Henry rushed””

  1. Wow thats great news! So it sounds like he wont retire which is the important thing, but it also sounds like it might be a while before we see him. I hope he takes his time, health scares are no joke

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