31 thoughts on “Yair batters Emmett with kicks”

  1. Crazy how far he’s come. From Frankie Edgar beating the shit out of him, the UFC releasing him for like a week, then goes toe to toe with Max and beats the shit out of Emmit for the interim belt.

  2. Emmett was swinging for the fences until the end but he was hurt so bad from the body kicks that he stopped moving in the second round. He let Yair come to him.

  3. Leg and body kicks are the bane of Emmett’s existence. I expected much wider odds going into this fight on that fact alone. Add his footwork and his scrambling from bottom and Emmett’s only hope for winning was a very clean righ-hand KO

  4. One of the most vicious displays of striking I’ve ever seen, best he’s looked easily. So long as it’s on the feet he’s got more than a chance against Volk, I just don’t see Volk bein the kinda guy that would, taking him down and just beating him down Frankie style.

  5. At our gym we have someone who fights similar to yair where they possess a bunch of lactic acids and they’re snappy af. Sparring him is not uphill battle it just feels like climbing a big ass wall that you can’t get up

  6. Now you have to remember: Most of this Yair said was “auto-pilot” after Emmett cracked him in the first. Not sure how true it is but still kinda wild to hear.

  7. the exchange around :45 when yair turns that short elbow over the guard was so fucking slick. i love the way he uses his elbows both in the pocket and from the ground. i think volk takes the fight but there’s a good chance yair does some weird shit and makes it fun

  8. Emmett looked really slow in this fight. Maybe it’s just because Yair is younger and faster, but it demonstrated to me early that it was Yair’s fight to lose.

  9. Crazy to think half or more of this highlight reel was Yair on autopilot. Emmett clocked him so hard he straight up doesn’t remember anything from then until he was adjusting the triangle.

  10. I think Yair will be the most dangerous striker Volk has faced. Aldo/Max tend to be more volume based compared to Yair’s 1 shot power. Still picking Volk of course but I do believe that Yair presents a unique challenge and is the most likely person to catch Volk on the feet.

  11. The amount of kicks he threw and landed in the first is insane. I don’t think he can keep that up with his movement for 5 rounds but it looks like Yair is really starting to put his style together. Not just crazy flying attacks and spins anymore, he’s rounded out his game very well

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