Francis responds to Jones: “I shouldn’t should encourage you Jonny…if it’s not in you already you’ve already misplaced. I do know my motivation 🌍”

Francis responds to Jones: “I shouldn’t should encourage you Jonny…if it’s not in you already you’ve already misplaced. I do know my motivation 🌍”

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30 thoughts on “Francis responds to Jones: “I shouldn’t should encourage you Jonny…if it’s not in you already you’ve already misplaced. I do know my motivation 🌍””

  1. Why would a champ who has just steamrolled the best UFC heavyweight ever, need to motivate a guy who has never fought at the weight, who he doesn’t need? The arrogance of Jon is insane.

  2. I love how Jones went up to HW, put on the weight and muscle. Now he’s “unmotivated.” Gimme a break.

    Why not just say the real reason why: you’re not getting the money you want and now feel like you can’t be bothered? Coincidence that you have another spat with Dana about money and now you can’t be bothered with Ngannou? I think not.

  3. Am I the only one that thinks Jones needs Francis more than Francis needs Jones? Besides being very unlikeable, Jones has been pretty inactive lately and, on top of that, has looked pretty mediocre over the last 3 years.

  4. The good thing about being champ is that you don’t have to chase people for fights

    Jones is not champ, so why is he talking like that? Must be on that booger sugar

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